If someone would ask us to list of the oldest crafts, without a doubt carpentry would be among those we first remember.. Platform Wooden Kraft is exactly inspired by the beauty and opportunities of wood as a material, and relies on the carpenter's skill and imagination of our craftsmen.

Wood is a material that has played an irreplaceable role in human history. Houses, temples, ships, crafted tools, weapons, tools, furniture, a variety of useful and decorative items were built from wood. Nowadays, it is hard to imagine what the world would look like without everything the wood has allowed us to do.

Carpentry is a truly old craft, unusually perfected in ancient times. Traditional carpentry tools, the ones we still find today in workshops around the world, were used in ancient Egypt. In Europe, carpentry expanded during the Middle Ages, when carpentry and furniture became widely used.

Although it is not wise to insist on divisions, one should know that carpenters are divided into those who make furniture, construction carpenters, art carpenters and modelers. Their skills are intertwined and it is not uncommon to encounter a workshop that brings together two or more branches of carpentry.

This is the case with the workshops and brands you meet on the Wooden Kraft platform. Most often, furniture and art crafts are intertwined.

Piece of carpentry`s historyoneka crtica iz istorije

The wood has been used and is mentioned since the Old Stone Age, however it is believed that it was used earlier. / Foto: Chris Child / Unsplash

The wood has been used and is mentioned since the Old Stone Age, however it is believed that it was used earlier. What made wood so popular as a raw material is the ease of processing it and the minimum use of energy at which a tool can be made.

U Epu o Gilgamešu, The epic of Gilgamesh, the oldest known literary work, mentions King Uruk's desire to build a magnificent empire. This empire required a lot of cedar wood, conifer, which fortunately was abundant in the forests of Mespotamia. mnogo kedrovine, četinarskog drvetaThe wood had divine power for them what is evidenced by the fact that the epic also speaks of the prohibition of cutting cedar wood for all mortals.

Manufacture of furniture and wooden articles

Wood is irreplaceable, and its timelessness plays a key role in the furniture and interior of every home and every place where people live. Nowadays, the thermally treated wood is mostly in use, with improved chemical properties and color (though at the expense of some mechanical properties). Thermal processing has given birth to a new way of interior decoration that involves a new range of colors that are warmer and more natural.

We offer a range of just such handmade household items on the Wooden Kraft platform.

Wood is equally represented in interiors and exteriors, and its appearance and all its features makes a people of our time to value it with respect.

There is a trend in the production of solid wood furniture and decor items, to which Scandinavian designers (trend-makers) are once again giving primary position. Nowadays, when ideas for the woodworking industry are exhausted, people are returning to the combination of solid wood and natural materials, both in the production of furniture and in the production of everyday objects and decorative elements.

We offer a range of just such handmade household items on the Wooden Kraft platform.

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