Walnut (Genus juglans)

The tree of eternal energy. Extremely beautiful and stable species. With its dark color and beautiful stylish patterns. There are many types of walnuts, but each one is a typical mixture of calmness and energy.

Beech (Fagus silvatica)

Wood for Touch of warmth. It gives the item a special elegance. Anyone walking through the beech forest knows this is a special experience. Part of this feeling is caught in beech products.

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)

Wood for friendly atmosphere. Fine, hard and lasting. Wooden items of ash have a light, pleasant color with lively brown fibers. Ash responds very well to heat treatment, achieving a rich, dark shade with beautiful fibers.

Cherry (Prunus)

A tree for a positive mood. It gives beautiful, exciting tones for its exuding red color, smooth texture and attractive fibers.

Oak (Quercus robur)

Wood of enduring beauty. Nice, dignified and hard. The oak offers a multitude of temperaments, from calm, dignified planks in a single shade, to vibrant combinations with a plethora of brighter and darker tape.

Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia)

A tree of gentle appearance. Thin fibers produce an olive and brown color that works elegantly, especially when used to make high- quality items.